Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Folk's Traits

Trevor, there are two things your parents do that irks you. They are:

1.) Your mother, whenever someone compliments her on what a delicious meal she cooked, always manages to find a fault and says something like Oh, I didn't get the broccoli done enough.

2.) Your father, when someone makes a minor suggestion or minor criticism, will become all downtrodden and go I'm SORRY and react as though you are taking personal shots at him, even when it's something as small as "You got the wrong salad dressing."

Trevor, these are just little things that bug you, they are no big deal. But I'm just bringing this to your knowledge, so that if you read this way down the line, you can check to see if you are doing them.

Because I sure as hell hope you aren't.

So stop, if you are.

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