Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Never lie about getting your haircut.

Where were you, I was getting my haircut, Why is your hair the same length, Uhhh

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Had a dream last night where some Zen master asked me to read something and tell him my interpretation and so I got through reading it and the first thing I said was "At the end it says but it was only a writing in a magazine--and that's essentially the same as the actual reading." And then he asked how we knew the guy in the story was enlightened, and I replied "We don't know...he wears shells around his neck, but anyone can do that" and then everyone counted to 10, which was supposed to mean someone just said something stupid.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I was just looking at old blog posts of mine. At the time I thought they were hilarious. But now, I just don't know... they don't seem like anything special.

Actually, some of the later ones are good. Blah.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I had a dream the other day where I kept seeing this chimpanzee. And every time I saw him, I would give him a high five. And these high fives, mind you, were the best high fives I've ever participated in.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I can't wake people up. It's impossible. I just can't.

Not that I physically can't. Just that...I can't shatter a person's tranquility.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Today, I took the shortest of naps. And the thing I liked most about it was not having any conscious. Which is weird. I didn't know if I was a sleep or not, I didn't know if I was alive or dead.

I was in a state of nothing...

and I liked it.