Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I have failed today. I didn't come up with a measly thought to put on here, except these three stinking things:

1.) When I drove home tonight, I saw on the side of the road a car pulled over by a cop. I glimpsed four teenagers inside, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was for some petty drug situation. And I thought how these people, in the car, how frantic their young minds were at that moment. And then there was me, driving by, looking on...

2.) I saw a mother with a baby girl around the age of two today. The girl would wander off, and the mother couldn't take a breath of relaxation. She was always checking on the girl as the girl satisfied her curious nature. I realized, then, just how damn powerful the love between a mother and her baby is...

3.) ---------------------
I want to be poetic.
to be sentimental.
to be held.
to be me.

I failed today.

1 comment:

  1. Your freeking blowing my mind trevor! I can't believe it.

    You didn't fail. If anything you won a great victory.

    Remember how we talked about your lack of drive and motivation. Well i think it's all there. you just gotta find it like you find these feelings.

    Dang man! This just keeps getting better. all the time.
