Friday, July 24, 2009

Sometimes, when I'm sitting in a chair—just sitting in a chair, nothing more—well, something happens.

I'll be sitting in a chair—nothing more—and then all of a sudden like, maybe a violent gust of wind—yes, I can imagine a violent gust of wind—, all of a sudden something happens with my ears.

I'll be sitting in a chair and a violent gust of wind will catch me off guard, will flabbergast me, and here, I'll show you what happens:

Like a teeter-totter, remember those, in your childhood? I once told somebody that you never see any teeter-totters around any more. But like a teeter-totter, suddenly a portly fellow with a fat ass will get on and the teeter-totter will whip to one side, and like a teeter-totter whipping to one side, all of a sudden the sound from one of my ears will completely disappear. I'll feel it, hear it, I suppose, hear the sound slowly slip into my head and into my other ear. From my left ear to my right ear. And I won't be able to hear out of my left ear for maybe ten seconds, and then all of a sudden everything's normal.

So does this ever happen to you? Does a portly fellow with a fat ass ever sit on the teeter-totter of your ears, completely ravaging your hearing sense for about ten seconds?

Or is it only me?

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