Thursday, August 27, 2009

I saw a car swerve to miss a moth the other day.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I had a normal night tonight. I sat around in my underwear and watched TV. Like a normal person. A normie.

But I don’t think I’ll be doing that again, I’m not normal!

I use kid forks. The little ones. Always have. Don’t care for using adult forks, they feel too big in my hands.

And so I think I’ve decided......I always want to use kid forks. My hands probably won’t grow anymore, so, I mean.. I just want to be a grown-up who uses kid forks. I never want to graduate to the next level of forks.

That’s all.

Monday, August 24, 2009

“It frightens me, the awful truth of how sweet life can be...”

--Bob Dylan
If it's you and you alone in a room, and you're minding your own business, and all of a sudden you detect the odor of flatulence and you're sure it wasn't you, dead that a sign that you have ghosts in your house?

Do ghosts fart??
At my host family’s in Washington...I liked the mirror in their bathroom.

It was the door to the shower, it was body-sized. I could see my whole body naked. I realize I like seeing my whole body naked. Yeah...

But then, the door folded in, so you could half fold it and see yourself from different angles. And since I always see myself head-on in mirrors, it was nice to see a different view for once. One where you don’t even recognize yourself. I liked it.
My new 5 billion dollar sunglasses.

(I'm trying to tell you my pupils were dilated today, and they gave me these to drive home in.............)

Friday, August 21, 2009

I don't know how I'm going to survive this next week. I'm going to have nothing to do, none of my friends are going to be here, I'm not going to be able to talk to her, nothing. I'll have headaches, probably. I could read, I guess, but I always just end up distracted.

And it's not the kind of being alone that I used to like. The solitude. Nope. This kind is just...loneliness.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Back and forth.

I love packing. Everything about it.

I just love shoving all my shit in a bag. Minimizing my life, and living dangerously, by maybe forgetting something.

What if I forgot my tooth brush? My blankie?

That's called living on the edge.

But above all else,
I love that each day if I want to wear something,
I have to take it out of the bag,
and before coming back,
I have to put everything back into the bag,
just so I can unpack once I get back to point A......................

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It’s a pain, driving sometimes.

You’re in a doleful mood, and you’re driving really slowly, ten miles under the limit, because that’s how you want it to be; you’re in a doleful mood, remember. And then all of a sudden, someone comes up from behind you. And then you are forced to speed up, to adhere to the standards. You don’t want to be an ass, nuh uh.

And it’s just a pain, because all you want to do, really... is be sad, and drive slowly.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I think it's the greatest, when you're feeling bummed and you don't know why, and then all of a sudden......something happens.....and them boom!, you're better.

Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm walking out of a supermarket store, and I'm telling myself, "Mill around, mind. Stop fixating on one thing, and jes' mill around."

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I think tonight, as I'm lying on my bed, I'll shut my eyes really, really tight.

And maybe when I open them, I'll be pointing at a picture, and I'll be saying to my kids, "See? That was me. Back when I was a kid."

Friday, August 7, 2009

Uh oh. I was just trying on boxers from the store, and I must not have realized it, because I farted in 'em.

And that pair was one of the ones I didn't want.

Hope there's no stains.

.................Oh wait, no that was my friend, Bob, who did that. Not me.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I love coming on to the computer after not having used it for a long, long time, and having the mouse feel weird in your hands, and having the icon not even come close to where you want it to go, because you are just so rusty with using a mouse.

You know?

Oh, that’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard?

Oh, okay.